30 Nov PASS Project – Workshop 1: Managing Cultural Issues in Teamwork for VM Workshop
Guest Speaker : |
Dr. Stephen Kirk FAIA, FSAVE, CVS, LEED, AP, Life Member & Ex-president, SAVE International, USA Vice President of Education & Director, Miles Value Foundation Director, College Relations, SAVE International President, Kirk Associates LLC |
Venue : | Innovation Tower, Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
Language : | English |
Date : | 30th November 2018 |
Time : | 09:00 – 17:00 |

Dr. Stephen Kirk conducted an interactive value management (VM) workshop focusing on the cultural influences. Dr. Kirk started the workshop from an introduction of the fundamental VM concepts, and also analyzed the primary cultural issues in several aspects between different countries and regions, including religion, social customs, communication, economics and politics.
Through the sharing of various VM cases, participants were invited to discuss and analyze the cultural issues deeplyM. Lastly, the Dr. Kirk also summarized some key components for running overseas VM business in other regions.

Dr. Stephen Kirk
Dr. Stephen J. Kirk is a partner and chief executive officer of Kirk Value Planners, which specializes in providing comprehensive value planning, education, and management services. He has over 30 years’ experience in applying value management /engineering based decision-making techniques to the projects of all sizes in 5 continents.
Dr. Kirk served as president of SAVE International in 1998-99, and currently a director of the Lawrence D. Miles Value Foundation in the USA.
Summary of Content
- Overview of Cultural Considerations
- Seminar Overview/ Agenda
- Participant Introductions/ Background
- Training Objectives
- European & USA Value Methodology Videos
- Lessons Learned – Discussion
- Cultural Influences in VM
- Introduction
- Navajo Indian Culture
- Educational Facilities Case Study
- Religion / Social Customs
- Communication
- Other (food, clothing, prayers, duration, timing)
- Lessons Learned – Discussion
- Case Study – Cherokee Central School VM Study
- Pre-Study Independent/ Cherokee Team Selection
- Study Agenda, VM Cultural Objectives
- Function Analysis
- Quality Model, Cultural Issues
- Religion / Social Customs
- Communication
- Example Recommendations
- Lessons Learned – Discussion
- Case Study – Library Consensus VM Study
- Case Study – Grand Canyon VM Charrette
- Case Study – Resort Shopping Center, Spain
- Case Study – Guggenheim Museum, UAE
- Case Study – Office, Saudi Arabia
- Doing Business in other Cultures
- Laws/ Customs/ Religious Practices
- Selling VM Services (web site, seminars, advertisements)
- Marketing Brochure
- In-country Teaming
- Government & Corporate Request for Proposals
- VM Technical Proposal Response to RFP
- Resumes of VM Specialists
- Level of Effort/ Phases of Application/ Fees
- Contracts/ Agreements
- Liability & Other Insurance Requirements
- Licenses/ Certification
- Taxes
- Strategies for Getting Paid

This material/event is funded by the Professional Services Advancement Support Scheme of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material/any event organized under this project do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or the Vetting Committee of the Professional Services Advancement Support Scheme.