Seminar – The Thinking Behind the Construction Industry Review Committee Report

05 Feb 2002


The Construction Industry Review Committee (CIRC) appointed by the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong SAR has comprehensively reviewed the current state of the industry in its recent CIRD report. The report contains many recommendations, all of which are concerned fundamentally with moving towards better value for money. This is a goal already familiar to Value Managers of course who will therefore appreciate the CIRC attempt to encourage this on a strategic scale.

This seminar provided an overview of the perceptions of the CIRC and the strategic directions in which the committee believes the Hong Kong construction industry should move in the future. Some of these directions are to overcome current weakness, some to recognise the newly arising demand for environmentally friendly behaviour and some andvance the technological levels in the industry. While providing an overview of the report the talks especially discussed whether the research community should be more closely involved with industry, as recommended in the CIRC report, and why, and how this might be achieved. For the details of seminar, please click here. For the photos of seminar, please click here.

Speaker: Professor Micheal ANSON, BA (Oxon), DIC, PhD, FHKIE, CEng, FICE
Organizers: Hong Kong Institute of Value Management Limited (HKIVM)
Venue: Victoria Suite, The Hong Kong Club, No. 1 Jackson Road, Central, Hong Kong