PSDAS Programme – A series of VM Workshops & Seminars by International Experts

16-19 Nov 2007
17-19 Jan 2008


Value Management (VM) has been used since 1947 in America to assist management, architects and engineering professionals to obtain optimum value for each dollar spent. Typical savings range from 10% to 15% for most projects. As construction professionals, we should not only acquire technical knowledge but must also develop various management skills for setting the team goals. A series of interactive VM workshops and seminars in different critical VM phases and the international successful VM application will be conducted in the periods of 16-19 Nov 2007 and 17-19 Jan 2008 (see table below). All these practical knowledge and skills can enhance the competitiveness of construction professionals in a regional context. For the details of series workshops and seminars, please click here.


Facilitators: Dr. Roy Barton (Principal consultant, ACVM)
Dr. Stephen J. Kirk (FAIA, FSAVE, CVS-Life, LEED, President, Kirk Associates, LLC)
Mr. Ken Scott (B.Soc, MBA, CVS, PVM, TVM, FIVM)
Ms. Laurie Dennis (PE, CVS-Life, LEED AP)
Dr. Mei-yung Leung (BSc, BRS, PhD, MRICS, MHKIS, MCIOB, MHKIVM, CVS)
Organizers: Hong Kong Institute of Value Management Limited (HKIVM)
The City University of Hong Kong
Supporting Organization: The Professional Services Development Assistance Scheme (PSDAS)