Joint HKIVM-SAVE International Conference 2015 “Discover Hidden Values”

08-09 May 2015


“Discover Hidden Values” has been adopted as the main title for HKIVM’s 12th International Conference. This year has a special meaning too as we have the honour to host the conference jointly with SAVE International as part of their 4th Asian VE Conference whilst at the same time celebrating the 20th Anniversary of HKIVM.

The theme of this year Conference is “Discover Hidden Values”. It reflects that so often using value methodology can unlock or distill great ideas that were not obvious for many projects. It is our aim to create awareness in the community of the benefit to be derived from the application of Value Management/Value Engineering. Trying to discover what is hidden and focus on what we could create anew is great as a concept which also needs the supports of some mental tool. VM/VE is a powerful tool that can be used to create, discover and innovate means of success.


Conference Date: 08 – 09 May 2015
Conference Venue: Royal Plaza Hotel, Hong Kong
Organizers: Hong Kong Institute of Value Management Limited (HKIVM)
SAVE International


You could click the follwoing links to download the useful information.

  1. Conference Report
  2. Conference Proceedings
  3. Conference Photos