29 Jun PASS Project – International Conference: Project Creation & Survival via Value Management – Session 1
Using Value Methodology for Partnering, Quality and Risks Management
Sr. Ki-cheung Tang gave a talk to explain the similarities between value management and the processes of partnering, quality and risk managements. Detailed agenda of VM workshop was introduced. Sr. Tang also shared the observations from past workshops and discussed the outcomes of aligning partnering attitudes. The information from the talk is useful for the project team members wanting to positively contribute to and gain something from these integrated workshops.

Sr. Ki-cheung Tang, Hong Kong
Sr. Tang is a Fellow Member, a council member, and a List B Facilitator of HKIVM. He has conducted over 30 VM and partnering workshops.
- Similarities
- Focus of the Workshop
- Workshop – whole scheme
- Partnering principles
- Workshop objectives
- Project objectives
- Cultural shift required
- Tips on goals and objectives
- Aligning partnering attitudes
- Bear in mind Why-How Diagram
- Goals and objectives scoring
- Issues, concerns and risks scoring
- Action plan
- Issue resolution matrix
- Simpler issue resolution matrix
- Champion team
- Problems with partnering or integrated workshops
Challenges of Value Management in Various Stakeholders to the Philippine Construction Industry
Sr. Cecilia Obico Torres reviewed the current situation of Value Management in the construction industry in the Philippines, and discovered the challenges facing in the projects. Proper value management is an important key to solve the challenge in the Philippine construction industry. Sr. Torres also provided analysis and recommendations to the stakeholders for managing challenges in the Philippine construction industry.

Sr. Cecilia Obico Torres, Philippine
Sr. Cecilia Torres is a licensed Civil Engineer from the Philippines with more than 17 years of practice in Quantity Surveying. She is an active Corporate member of the Philippine Institute of Certified Quantity Surveyors (PICQS), a member of AIQS, and Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors (CInstCES), and also a Certified Project Management Professional (PMP). Sr. Torres conducted Corporate trainings for Cost and Contract to Developers, Contractors and QS Consultants. She is also the head consultant of her own NQSTV Cost and Contract Trainng and Consultancy Services. Aside from this she is an active trainer of PICQS for topics such as Prolongation Cost, Delays and Damages, Cost planning and more; and a trainer of the Philippine Institute of Built Environment (the first QS school in the Philippines).
This material/event is funded by the Professional Services Advancement Support Scheme of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material/any event organized under this project do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or the Vetting Committee of the Professional Services Advancement Support Scheme.