CPD event: In Search of Value – Closing the Gap to Achieve High Performance Programs, Projects and Services

25 Oct 2013


Processes for managing project costs, schedule, quality, value, risk and implementation are plentiful. Still there can be problems with delivering optimally performing programs, projects and services! Why should this be?

This presentation introduced the critical-thinking process of value assurance. Closing the performance / value gas successfully is not just a ‘quick fix’, but it is attained through a series of pre-emptive, integrating actions that are conducted from end to end, i.e. throughout the lift cycle – from the investment decision phase, through development and execution, to routine operation and ultimate disposition. For the presentation slides and details, please click here. For the photos of seminar, please click here.


Speakers: Mr. Martyn Philips, Director, Team Focus, Canada

Certified Value Specialist – Life (US); Certificated Value Manager (UK); Professional in Value Management (Europe); Fellow, Institution of Civil Engineers; Chartered Institution of Water & Environmental Management; Professional Engineer (Canada)

Mr. Martyn is also an author of a suite of books on program and project improvement.

Organizers: Hong Kong Institute of Value Management Limited (HKIVM)
The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (Quantity Surveying Division) [HKIS (QSD)]